Update crt headers and mingw lib from mingw64. Update crt a bit. 4 msvcrt time tests...
[reactos.git] / reactos / include / crt / conio.h
1 /**
2 * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain.
3 * This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package.
4 * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.
5 */
6 #ifndef _INC_CONIO
7 #define _INC_CONIO
9 #include <_mingw.h>
11 #ifdef __cplusplus
12 extern "C" {
13 #endif
15 _CRTIMP char *_cgets(char *_Buffer);
16 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cprintf(const char *_Format,...);
17 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cputs(const char *_Str);
18 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cscanf(const char *_Format,...);
19 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cscanf_l(const char *_Format,_locale_t _Locale,...);
20 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _getch(void);
21 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _getche(void);
22 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcprintf(const char *_Format,va_list _ArgList);
23 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cprintf_p(const char *_Format,...);
24 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcprintf_p(const char *_Format,va_list _ArgList);
25 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cprintf_l(const char *_Format,_locale_t _Locale,...);
26 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcprintf_l(const char *_Format,_locale_t _Locale,va_list _ArgList);
27 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cprintf_p_l(const char *_Format,_locale_t _Locale,...);
28 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcprintf_p_l(const char *_Format,_locale_t _Locale,va_list _ArgList);
29 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _kbhit(void);
31 #if defined(_X86_) && !defined(__x86_64)
32 int __cdecl _inp(unsigned short);
33 unsigned short __cdecl _inpw(unsigned short);
34 unsigned long __cdecl _inpd(unsigned short);
35 int __cdecl _outp(unsigned short,int);
36 unsigned short __cdecl _outpw(unsigned short,unsigned short);
37 unsigned long __cdecl _outpd(unsigned short,unsigned long);
38 #endif
40 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _putch(int _Ch);
41 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _ungetch(int _Ch);
42 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _getch_nolock(void);
43 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _getche_nolock(void);
44 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _putch_nolock(int _Ch);
45 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _ungetch_nolock(int _Ch);
47 #ifndef _WCONIO_DEFINED
48 #define _WCONIO_DEFINED
50 #ifndef WEOF
51 #define WEOF (wint_t)(0xFFFF)
52 #endif
54 _CRTIMP wchar_t *_cgetws(wchar_t *_Buffer);
55 _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _getwch(void);
56 _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _getwche(void);
57 _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _putwch(wchar_t _WCh);
58 _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _ungetwch(wint_t _WCh);
59 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cputws(const wchar_t *_String);
60 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cwprintf(const wchar_t *_Format,...);
61 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cwscanf(const wchar_t *_Format,...);
62 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cwscanf_l(const wchar_t *_Format,_locale_t _Locale,...);
63 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcwprintf(const wchar_t *_Format,va_list _ArgList);
64 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cwprintf_p(const wchar_t *_Format,...);
65 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcwprintf_p(const wchar_t *_Format,va_list _ArgList);
66 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cwprintf_l(const wchar_t *_Format,_locale_t _Locale,...);
67 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcwprintf_l(const wchar_t *_Format,_locale_t _Locale,va_list _ArgList);
68 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _cwprintf_p_l(const wchar_t *_Format,_locale_t _Locale,...);
69 _CRTIMP int __cdecl _vcwprintf_p_l(const wchar_t *_Format,_locale_t _Locale,va_list _ArgList);
70 _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _putwch_nolock(wchar_t _WCh);
71 _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _getwch_nolock(void);
72 _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _getwche_nolock(void);
73 _CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _ungetwch_nolock(wint_t _WCh);
74 #endif
76 #ifndef NO_OLDNAMES
77 char *__cdecl cgets(char *_Buffer);
78 int __cdecl cprintf(const char *_Format,...);
79 int __cdecl cputs(const char *_Str);
80 int __cdecl cscanf(const char *_Format,...);
81 int __cdecl getch(void);
82 int __cdecl getche(void);
83 int __cdecl kbhit(void);
84 int __cdecl putch(int _Ch);
85 int __cdecl ungetch(int _Ch);
87 #if (defined(_X86_) && !defined(__x86_64))
88 int __cdecl inp(unsigned short);
89 unsigned short __cdecl inpw(unsigned short);
90 int __cdecl outp(unsigned short,int);
91 unsigned short __cdecl outpw(unsigned short,unsigned short);
92 #endif
94 #endif
95 #ifdef __cplusplus
96 }
97 #endif
99 #include <sec_api/conio_s.h>
101 #endif