[reactos.git] / reactos / lib / kernel32 / kernel32.def
1 ;
2 ; kernel32.def
3 ;
4 ; Exports for KERNEL32 DLL
5 ;
6 ; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
7 ;
8 ; Author: Scott Christley <>
9 ; Date: 1996
10 ;
11 ; This file is part of the Windows32 API Library.
12 ;
13 ; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
14 ; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
15 ; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
16 ; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
17 ;
18 ; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 ; Library General Public License for more details.
22 ;
23 ; If you are interested in a warranty or support for this source code,
24 ; contact Scott Christley <> for more information.
25 ;
26 ; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
27 ; License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
28 ; If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
29 ; 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
30 ;
33 AddAtomA@4
34 AddAtomW@4
35 AddConsoleAliasA@12
36 AddConsoleAliasW@12
37 AllocConsole@0
38 AreFileApisANSI@0
39 BackupRead@28
40 BackupSeek@24
41 BackupWrite@28
42 BaseAttachCompleteThunk@0
43 Beep@8
44 BeginUpdateResourceA@8
45 BeginUpdateResourceW@8
46 BuildCommDCBA@8
47 BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsA@12
48 BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsW@12
49 BuildCommDCBW@8
50 CallNamedPipeA@28
51 CallNamedPipeW@28
52 ClearCommBreak@4
53 ClearCommError@12
54 CloseConsoleHandle@4
55 CloseHandle@4
56 CloseProfileUserMapping@0
57 CmdBatNotification@4
58 CommConfigDialogA@12
59 CommConfigDialogW@12
60 CompareFileTime@8
61 CompareStringA@24
62 CompareStringW@24
63 ConnectNamedPipe@8
64 ConsoleMenuControl@12
65 ContinueDebugEvent@12
66 ConvertDefaultLocale@4
67 CopyFileA@12
68 CopyFileExA@24
69 CopyFileExW@24
70 CopyFileW@12
71 CreateConsoleScreenBuffer@20
72 CreateDirectoryA@8
73 CreateDirectoryExA@12
74 CreateDirectoryExW@12
75 CreateDirectoryW@8
76 CreateEventA@16
77 CreateEventW@16
78 CreateFileA@28
79 CreateFileMappingA@24
80 CreateFileMappingW@24
81 CreateFileW@28
82 CreateIoCompletionPort@16
83 CreateMailslotA@16
84 CreateMailslotW@16
85 CreateMutexA@12
86 CreateMutexW@12
87 CreateNamedPipeA@32
88 CreateNamedPipeW@32
89 CreatePipe@16
90 CreateProcessA@40
91 CreateProcessW@40
92 CreateRemoteThread@28
93 CreateSemaphoreA@16
94 CreateSemaphoreW@16
95 CreateTapePartition@16
96 CreateThread@24
97 CreateVirtualBuffer@12
98 DebugActiveProcess@4
99 DebugBreak@0
100 DefineDosDeviceA@12
101 DefineDosDeviceW@12
102 DeleteAtom@4
103 DeleteCriticalSection@4
104 DeleteFileA@4
105 DeleteFileW@4
106 DeviceIoControl@32
107 DisableThreadLibraryCalls@4
108 DisconnectNamedPipe@4
109 DosDateTimeToFileTime@12
110 DuplicateConsoleHandle@16
111 DuplicateHandle@28
112 EndUpdateResourceA@8
113 EndUpdateResourceW@8
114 EnterCriticalSection@4
115 EnumCalendarInfoA@16
116 EnumCalendarInfoW@16
117 EnumDateFormatsA@12
118 EnumDateFormatsW@12
119 EnumResourceLanguagesA@20
120 EnumResourceLanguagesW@20
121 EnumResourceNamesA@16
122 EnumResourceNamesW@16
123 EnumResourceTypesA@12
124 EnumResourceTypesW@12
125 EnumSystemCodePagesA@8
126 EnumSystemCodePagesW@8
127 EnumSystemLocalesA@8
128 EnumSystemLocalesW@8
129 EnumTimeFormatsA@12
130 EnumTimeFormatsW@12
131 EraseTape@12
132 EscapeCommFunction@8
133 ExitProcess@4
134 ExitThread@4
135 ExitVDM@8
136 ExpandEnvironmentStringsA@12
137 ExpandEnvironmentStringsW@12
138 ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryA@4
139 ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryW@4
140 ExtendVirtualBuffer@8
141 FatalAppExitA@8
142 FatalAppExitW@8
143 FatalExit@4
144 FileTimeToDosDateTime@12
145 FileTimeToLocalFileTime@8
146 FileTimeToSystemTime@8
147 FillConsoleOutputAttribute@20
148 FillConsoleOutputCharacterA@20
149 FillConsoleOutputCharacterW@20
150 FindAtomA@4
151 FindAtomW@4
152 FindClose@4
153 FindCloseChangeNotification@4
154 FindFirstChangeNotificationA@12
155 FindFirstChangeNotificationW@12
156 FindFirstFileA@8
157 FindFirstFileW@8
158 FindNextChangeNotification@4
159 FindNextFileA@8
160 FindNextFileW@8
161 FindResourceA@12
162 FindResourceExA@16
163 FindResourceExW@16
164 FindResourceW@12
165 FlushConsoleInputBuffer@4
166 FlushFileBuffers@4
167 FlushInstructionCache@12
168 FlushViewOfFile@8
169 FoldStringA@20
170 FoldStringW@20
171 FormatMessageA@28
172 FormatMessageW@28
173 FreeConsole@0
174 FreeEnvironmentStringsA@4
175 FreeEnvironmentStringsW@4
176 FreeLibrary@4
177 FreeLibraryAndExitThread@8
178 FreeResource@4
179 FreeVirtualBuffer@4
180 GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent@8
181 GetACP@0
182 GetAtomNameA@12
183 GetAtomNameW@12
184 GetBinaryType@8
185 GetBinaryTypeA@8
186 GetBinaryTypeW@8
187 GetCPInfo@8
188 GetCommConfig@12
189 GetCommMask@8
190 GetCommModemStatus@8
191 GetCommProperties@8
192 GetCommState@8
193 GetCommTimeouts@8
194 GetCommandLineA@0
195 GetCommandLineW@0
196 GetCompressedFileSizeA@8
197 GetCompressedFileSizeW@8
198 GetComputerNameA@8
199 GetComputerNameW@8
200 GetConsoleAliasA@16
201 GetConsoleAliasExesA@8
202 GetConsoleAliasExesLengthA@0
203 GetConsoleAliasExesLengthW@0
204 GetConsoleAliasExesW@8
205 GetConsoleAliasW@16
206 GetConsoleAliasesA@12
207 GetConsoleAliasesLengthA@4
208 GetConsoleAliasesLengthW@4
209 GetConsoleAliasesW@12
210 GetConsoleCP@0
211 GetConsoleCommandHistoryA@12
212 GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthA@4
213 GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthW@4
214 GetConsoleCommandHistoryW@12
215 GetConsoleCursorInfo@8
216 GetConsoleDisplayMode@4
217 GetConsoleFontInfo@16
218 GetConsoleFontSize@8
219 GetConsoleHardwareState@12
220 GetConsoleInputWaitHandle@0
221 GetConsoleMode@8
222 GetConsoleOutputCP@0
223 GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo@8
224 GetConsoleTitleA@8
225 GetConsoleTitleW@8
226 GetCurrencyFormatA@24
227 GetCurrencyFormatW@24
228 GetCurrentConsoleFont@12
229 GetCurrentDirectoryA@8
230 GetCurrentDirectoryW@8
231 GetCurrentProcess@0
232 GetCurrentProcessId@0
233 GetCurrentThread@0
234 GetCurrentThreadId@0
235 GetDateFormatA@24
236 GetDateFormatW@24
237 GetDefaultCommConfigA@12
238 GetDefaultCommConfigW@12
239 GetDiskFreeSpaceA@20
240 GetDiskFreeSpaceW@20
241 GetDiskFreeSpaceExA@16
242 GetDiskFreeSpaceExW@16
243 GetDriveTypeA@4
244 GetDriveTypeW@4
245 GetEnvironmentStringsA@0
246 GetEnvironmentStringsW@0
247 GetEnvironmentVariableA@12
248 GetEnvironmentVariableW@12
249 GetExitCodeProcess@8
250 GetExitCodeThread@8
251 GetFileAttributesA@4
252 GetFileAttributesW@4
253 GetFileInformationByHandle@8
254 GetFileSize@8
255 GetFileTime@16
256 GetFileType@4
257 GetFullPathNameA@16
258 GetFullPathNameW@16
259 GetHandleInformation@8
260 GetLargestConsoleWindowSize@4
261 GetLastError@0
262 GetLocalTime@4
263 GetLocaleInfoA@16
264 GetLocaleInfoW@16
265 GetLogicalDriveStringsA@8
266 GetLogicalDriveStringsW@8
267 GetLogicalDrives@0
268 GetMailslotInfo@20
269 GetModuleFileNameA@12
270 GetModuleFileNameW@12
271 GetModuleHandleA@4
272 GetModuleHandleW@4
273 GetNamedPipeHandleStateA@28
274 GetNamedPipeHandleStateW@28
275 GetNamedPipeInfo@20
276 GetNextVDMCommand@4
277 GetNumberFormatA@24
278 GetNumberFormatW@24
279 GetNumberOfConsoleFonts@0
280 GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents@8
281 GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons@4
282 GetOEMCP@0
283 GetOverlappedResult@16
284 GetPriorityClass@4
285 GetPrivateProfileIntA@16
286 GetPrivateProfileIntW@16
287 GetPrivateProfileSectionA@16
288 GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA@12
289 GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW@12
290 GetPrivateProfileSectionW@16
291 GetPrivateProfileStringA@24
292 GetPrivateProfileStringW@24
293 GetPrivateProfileStructA@20
294 GetPrivateProfileStructW@20
295 GetProcAddress@8
296 GetProcessAffinityMask@12
297 GetProcessHeap@0
298 GetProcessHeaps@8
299 GetProcessShutdownParameters@8
300 GetProcessTimes@20
301 GetProcessVersion@4
302 GetProcessWorkingSetSize@12
303 GetProfileIntA@12
304 GetProfileIntW@12
305 GetProfileSectionA@12
306 GetProfileSectionW@12
307 GetProfileStringA@20
308 GetProfileStringW@20
309 GetQueuedCompletionStatus@20
310 GetShortPathNameA@12
311 GetShortPathNameW@12
312 GetStartupInfoA@4
313 GetStartupInfoW@4
314 GetStdHandle@4
315 GetStringTypeA@20
316 GetStringTypeExA@20
317 GetStringTypeExW@20
318 GetStringTypeW@16
319 GetSystemDefaultLCID@0
320 GetSystemDefaultLangID@0
321 GetSystemDirectoryA@8
322 GetSystemDirectoryW@8
323 GetSystemInfo@4
324 GetSystemPowerStatus@4
325 GetSystemTime@4
326 GetSystemTimeAdjustment@12
327 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime@4
328 GetTapeParameters@16
329 GetTapePosition@20
330 GetTapeStatus@4
331 GetTempFileNameA@16
332 GetTempFileNameW@16
333 GetTempPathA@8
334 GetTempPathW@8
335 GetThreadContext@8
336 GetThreadLocale@0
337 GetThreadPriority@4
338 GetThreadSelectorEntry@12
339 GetThreadTimes@20
340 GetTickCount@0
341 GetTimeFormatA@24
342 GetTimeFormatW@24
343 GetTimeZoneInformation@4
344 GetUserDefaultLCID@0
345 GetUserDefaultLangID@0
346 GetVDMCurrentDirectories@8
347 GetVersion@0
348 GetVersionExA@4
349 GetVersionExW@4
350 GetVolumeInformationA@32
351 GetVolumeInformationW@32
352 GetWindowsDirectoryA@8
353 GetWindowsDirectoryW@8
354 GlobalAddAtomA@4
355 GlobalAddAtomW@4
356 GlobalAlloc@8
357 GlobalCompact@4
358 GlobalDeleteAtom@4
359 GlobalFindAtomA@4
360 GlobalFindAtomW@4
361 GlobalFix@4
362 GlobalFlags@4
363 GlobalFree@4
364 GlobalGetAtomNameA@12
365 GlobalGetAtomNameW@12
366 GlobalHandle@4
367 GlobalLock@4
368 GlobalMemoryStatus@4
369 GlobalReAlloc@12
370 GlobalSize@4
371 GlobalUnWire@4
372 GlobalUnfix@4
373 GlobalUnlock@4
374 GlobalWire@4
375 HeapAlloc@12
376 HeapCompact@8
377 HeapCreate@12
378 HeapCreateTagsW@16
379 HeapDestroy@4
380 HeapExtend@16
381 HeapFree@12
382 HeapLock@4
383 HeapQueryTagW@20
384 HeapReAlloc@16
385 HeapSize@12
386 HeapSummary@12
387 HeapUnlock@4
388 HeapUsage@20
389 HeapValidate@12
390 HeapWalk@8
391 InitAtomTable@4
392 InitializeCriticalSection@4
393 InterlockedDecrement@4
394 InterlockedExchange@8
395 InterlockedIncrement@4
396 InvalidateConsoleDIBits@8
397 IsBadCodePtr@4
398 IsBadHugeReadPtr@8
399 IsBadHugeWritePtr@8
400 IsBadReadPtr@8
401 IsBadStringPtrA@8
402 IsBadStringPtrW@8
403 IsBadWritePtr@8
404 IsDBCSLeadByte@4
405 IsDBCSLeadByteEx@8
406 IsDebuggerPresent@0
407 IsValidCodePage@4
408 IsValidLocale@8
409 LCMapStringA@24
410 LCMapStringW@24
411 LeaveCriticalSection@4
412 LoadLibraryA@4
413 LoadLibraryExA@12
414 LoadLibraryExW@12
415 LoadLibraryW@4
416 LoadModule@8
417 LoadResource@8
418 LocalAlloc@8
419 LocalCompact@4
420 LocalFileTimeToFileTime@8
421 LocalFlags@4
422 LocalFree@4
423 LocalHandle@4
424 LocalLock@4
425 LocalReAlloc@12
426 LocalShrink@8
427 LocalSize@4
428 LocalUnlock@4
429 LockFile@20
430 LockFileEx@24
431 LockResource@4
432 MapViewOfFile@20
433 MapViewOfFileEx@24
434 MoveFileA@8
435 MoveFileExA@12
436 MoveFileExW@12
437 MoveFileW@8
438 MulDiv@12
439 MultiByteToWideChar@24
440 OpenConsoleW@16
441 OpenEventA@12
442 OpenEventW@12
443 OpenFile@12
444 OpenFileMappingA@12
445 OpenFileMappingW@12
446 OpenMutexA@12
447 OpenMutexW@12
448 OpenProcess@12
449 OpenProfileUserMapping@0
450 OpenSemaphoreA@12
451 OpenSemaphoreW@12
452 OutputDebugStringA@4
453 OutputDebugStringW@4
454 PeekConsoleInputA@16
455 PeekConsoleInputW@16
456 PeekNamedPipe@24
457 PostQueuedCompletionStatus@16
458 PrepareTape@12
459 PulseEvent@4
460 PurgeComm@8
461 QueryDosDeviceA@12
462 QueryDosDeviceW@12
463 QueryPerformanceCounter@4
464 QueryPerformanceFrequency@4
465 QueryWin31IniFilesMappedToRegistry@16
466 RaiseException@16
467 ReadConsoleA@20
468 ReadConsoleInputA@16
469 ReadConsoleInputW@16
470 ReadConsoleOutputA@20
471 ReadConsoleOutputAttribute@20
472 ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA@20
473 ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW@20
474 ReadConsoleOutputW@20
475 ReadConsoleW@20
476 ReadFile@20
477 ReadFileEx@20
478 ReadProcessMemory@20
479 RegisterConsoleVDM@44
480 RegisterWaitForInputIdle@4
481 RegisterWowBaseHandlers@4
482 RegisterWowExec@4
483 ReleaseMutex@4
484 ReleaseSemaphore@12
485 RemoveDirectoryA@4
486 RemoveDirectoryW@4
487 ResetEvent@4
488 ResumeThread@4
489 RtlFillMemory@12
490 RtlMoveMemory@12
491 RtlUnwind@16
492 RtlZeroMemory@8
493 ScrollConsoleScreenBufferA@20
494 ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW@20
495 SearchPathA@24
496 SearchPathW@24
497 SetCommBreak@4
498 SetCommConfig@12
499 SetCommMask@8
500 SetCommState@8
501 SetCommTimeouts@8
502 SetComputerNameA@4
503 SetComputerNameW@4
504 SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer@4
505 SetConsoleCP@4
506 SetConsoleCommandHistoryMode@4
507 SetConsoleCtrlHandler@8
508 SetConsoleCursor@8
509 SetConsoleCursorInfo@8
510 SetConsoleCursorPosition@8
511 SetConsoleDisplayMode@12
512 SetConsoleFont@8
513 SetConsoleHardwareState@12
514 SetConsoleKeyShortcuts@16
515 SetConsoleMaximumWindowSize@8
516 SetConsoleMenuClose@4
517 SetConsoleMode@8
518 SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsA@8
519 SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsW@8
520 SetConsoleOutputCP@4
521 SetConsolePalette@12
522 SetConsoleScreenBufferSize@8
523 SetConsoleTextAttribute@8
524 SetConsoleTitleA@4
525 SetConsoleTitleW@4
526 SetConsoleWindowInfo@12
527 SetCurrentDirectoryA@4
528 SetCurrentDirectoryW@4
529 SetDefaultCommConfigA@12
530 SetDefaultCommConfigW@12
531 SetEndOfFile@4
532 SetEnvironmentVariableA@8
533 SetEnvironmentVariableW@8
534 SetErrorMode@4
535 SetEvent@4
536 SetFileApisToANSI@0
537 SetFileApisToOEM@0
538 SetFileAttributesA@8
539 SetFileAttributesW@8
540 SetFilePointer@16
541 SetFileTime@16
542 SetHandleCount@4
543 SetHandleInformation@12
544 SetLastConsoleEventActive@0
545 SetLastError@4
546 SetLocalTime@4
547 SetLocaleInfoA@12
548 SetLocaleInfoW@12
549 SetMailslotInfo@8
550 SetNamedPipeHandleState@16
551 SetPriorityClass@8
552 SetProcessShutdownParameters@8
553 SetProcessWorkingSetSize@12
554 SetStdHandle@8
555 SetSystemPowerState@8
556 SetSystemTime@4
557 SetSystemTimeAdjustment@8
558 SetTapeParameters@12
559 SetTapePosition@24
560 SetThreadAffinityMask@8
561 SetThreadContext@8
562 ;_imp__SetThreadContext@8
563 SetThreadLocale@4
564 SetThreadPriority@8
565 SetTimeZoneInformation@4
566 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter@4
567 SetVDMCurrentDirectories@8
568 SetVolumeLabelA@8
569 SetVolumeLabelW@8
570 SetupComm@12
571 ShowConsoleCursor@8
572 SizeofResource@8
573 Sleep@4
574 SleepEx@8
575 SuspendThread@4
576 SystemTimeToFileTime@8
577 SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime@12
578 TerminateProcess@8
579 TerminateThread@8
580 TlsAlloc@0
581 TlsFree@4
582 TlsGetValue@4
583 TlsSetValue@8
584 TransactNamedPipe@28
585 TransmitCommChar@8
586 TrimVirtualBuffer@4
587 UnhandledExceptionFilter@4
588 UnlockFile@20
589 UnlockFileEx@20
590 UnmapViewOfFile@4
591 UpdateResourceA@24
592 UpdateResourceW@24
593 VDMConsoleOperation@8
594 VDMOperationStarted@4
595 VerLanguageNameA@12
596 VerLanguageNameW@12
597 VerifyConsoleIoHandle@4
598 VirtualAlloc@16
599 VirtualBufferExceptionHandler@12
600 VirtualFree@12
601 VirtualLock@8
602 VirtualProtect@16
603 VirtualProtectEx@20
604 VirtualQuery@12
605 VirtualQueryEx@16
606 VirtualUnlock@8
607 WaitCommEvent@12
608 WaitForDebugEvent@8
609 WaitForMultipleObjects@16
610 WaitForMultipleObjectsEx@20
611 WaitForSingleObject@8
612 WaitForSingleObjectEx@12
613 WaitNamedPipeA@8
614 WaitNamedPipeW@8
615 WideCharToMultiByte@32
616 WinExec@8
617 WriteConsoleA@20
618 WriteConsoleInputA@16
619 WriteConsoleInputVDMA@16
620 WriteConsoleInputVDMW@16
621 WriteConsoleInputW@16
622 WriteConsoleOutputA@20
623 WriteConsoleOutputAttribute@20
624 WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA@20
625 WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW@20
626 WriteConsoleOutputW@20
627 WriteConsoleW@20
628 WriteFile@20
629 WriteFileEx@20
630 WritePrivateProfileSectionA@12
631 WritePrivateProfileSectionW@12
632 WritePrivateProfileStringA@16
633 WritePrivateProfileStringW@16
634 WritePrivateProfileStructA@20
635 WritePrivateProfileStructW@20
636 WriteProcessMemory@20
637 WriteProfileSectionA@8
638 WriteProfileSectionW@8
639 WriteProfileStringA@12
640 WriteProfileStringW@12
641 WriteTapemark@16
642 _hread@12
643 _hwrite@12
644 _lclose@4
645 _lcreat@8
646 _llseek@12
647 _lopen@8
648 _lread@12
649 _lwrite@12
650 ;lstrcat@8
651 lstrcatA@8
652 lstrcatW@8
653 ;lstrcmp@8
654 lstrcmpA@8
655 lstrcmpW@8
656 ;lstrcmpi@8
657 lstrcmpiA@8
658 lstrcmpiW@8
659 ;lstrcpy@8
660 lstrcpyA@8
661 lstrcpyW@8
662 ;lstrcpyn@12
663 lstrcpynA@12
664 lstrcpynW@12
665 ;lstrlen@4
666 lstrlenA@4
667 lstrlenW@4