Removing old syscalls and updated related files. Old syscalls will be renamed for...
[reactos.git] / reactos / subsystems / win32 / win32k / w32ksvc.db
2 #
3 # Funcs order should match Windows XP 5.1.2600 SP2
4 #
5 NtGdiAbortDoc 1
6 NtGdiAbortPath 1
7 NtGdiAddFontResourceW 6
8 NtGdiAddRemoteFontToDC 4
9 NtGdiAddFontMemResourceEx 5
10 NtGdiRemoveMergeFont 2
11 NtGdiAddRemoteMMInstanceToDC 3
12 NtGdiAlphaBlend 12
13 NtGdiAngleArc 6
14 NtGdiAnyLinkedFonts 0
15 NtGdiFontIsLinked 1
16 NtGdiArcInternal 10
17 NtGdiBeginPath 1
18 NtGdiBitBlt 11
19 NtGdiCancelDC 1
20 NtGdiCheckBitmapBits 8
21 NtGdiCloseFigure 1
22 NtGdiClearBitmapAttributes 2
23 NtGdiClearBrushAttributes 2
24 NtGdiColorCorrectPalette 6
25 NtGdiCombineRgn 4
26 NtGdiCombineTransform 3
27 NtGdiComputeXformCoefficients 1
28 NtGdiConsoleTextOut 4
29 NtGdiConvertMetafileRect 2
30 NtGdiCreateBitmap 5
31 NtGdiCreateClientObj 1
32 NtGdiCreateColorSpace 1
33 NtGdiCreateColorTransform 8
34 NtGdiCreateCompatibleBitmap 3
35 NtGdiCreateCompatibleDC 1
36 NtGdiCreateDIBBrush 6
37 NtGdiCreateDIBitmapInternal 11
38 NtGdiCreateDIBSection 9
39 NtGdiCreateEllipticRgn 4
40 NtGdiCreateHalftonePalette 1
41 NtGdiCreateHatchBrushInternal 3
42 NtGdiCreateMetafileDC 1
43 NtGdiCreatePaletteInternal 2
44 NtGdiCreatePatternBrushInternal 3
45 NtGdiCreatePen 4
46 NtGdiCreateRectRgn 4
47 NtGdiCreateRoundRectRgn 6
48 NtGdiCreateServerMetaFile 6
49 NtGdiCreateSolidBrush 2
50 NtGdiD3dContextCreate 4
51 NtGdiD3dContextDestroy 1
52 NtGdiD3dContextDestroyAll 1
53 NtGdiD3dValidateTextureStageState 1
54 NtGdiD3dDrawPrimitives2 7
55 NtGdiDdGetDriverState 1
56 NtGdiDdAddAttachedSurface 3
57 NtGdiDdAlphaBlt 3
58 NtGdiDdAttachSurface 2
59 NtGdiDdBeginMoCompFrame 2
60 NtGdiDdBlt 3
61 NtGdiDdCanCreateSurface 2
62 NtGdiDdCanCreateD3DBuffer 2
63 NtGdiDdColorControl 2
64 NtGdiDdCreateDirectDrawObject 1
65 NtGdiDdCreateSurface 8
66 NtGdiDdCreateD3DBuffer 8
67 NtGdiDdCreateMoComp 2
68 NtGdiDdCreateSurfaceObject 6
69 NtGdiDdDeleteDirectDrawObject 1
70 NtGdiDdDeleteSurfaceObject 1
71 NtGdiDdDestroyMoComp 2
72 NtGdiDdDestroySurface 2
73 NtGdiDdDestroyD3DBuffer 1
74 NtGdiDdEndMoCompFrame 2
75 NtGdiDdFlip 5
76 NtGdiDdFlipToGDISurface 2
77 NtGdiDdGetAvailDriverMemory 2
78 NtGdiDdGetBltStatus 2
79 NtGdiDdGetDC 2
80 NtGdiDdGetDriverInfo 2
81 NtGdiDdGetDxHandle 3
82 NtGdiDdGetFlipStatus 2
83 NtGdiDdGetInternalMoCompInfo 2
84 NtGdiDdGetMoCompBuffInfo 2
85 NtGdiDdGetMoCompGuids 2
86 NtGdiDdGetMoCompFormats 2
87 NtGdiDdGetScanLine 2
88 NtGdiDdLock 3
89 NtGdiDdLockD3D 2
90 NtGdiDdQueryDirectDrawObject 11
91 NtGdiDdQueryMoCompStatus 2
92 NtGdiDdReenableDirectDrawObject 2
93 NtGdiDdReleaseDC 1
94 NtGdiDdRenderMoComp 2
95 NtGdiDdResetVisrgn 2
96 NtGdiDdSetColorKey 2
97 NtGdiDdSetExclusiveMode 2
98 NtGdiDdSetGammaRamp 3
99 NtGdiDdCreateSurfaceEx 3
100 NtGdiDdSetOverlayPosition 3
101 NtGdiDdUnattachSurface 2
102 NtGdiDdUnlock 2
103 NtGdiDdUnlockD3D 2
104 NtGdiDdUpdateOverlay 3
105 NtGdiDdWaitForVerticalBlank 2
106 NtGdiDvpCanCreateVideoPort 2
107 NtGdiDvpColorControl 2
108 NtGdiDvpCreateVideoPort 2
109 NtGdiDvpDestroyVideoPort 2
110 NtGdiDvpFlipVideoPort 4
111 NtGdiDvpGetVideoPortBandwidth 2
112 NtGdiDvpGetVideoPortField 2
113 NtGdiDvpGetVideoPortFlipStatus 2
114 NtGdiDvpGetVideoPortInputFormats 2
115 NtGdiDvpGetVideoPortLine 2
116 NtGdiDvpGetVideoPortOutputFormats 2
117 NtGdiDvpGetVideoPortConnectInfo 2
118 NtGdiDvpGetVideoSignalStatus 2
119 NtGdiDvpUpdateVideoPort 4
120 NtGdiDvpWaitForVideoPortSync 2
121 NtGdiDvpAcquireNotification 3
122 NtGdiDvpReleaseNotification 2
123 NtGdiDxgGenericThunk 6
124 NtGdiDeleteClientObj 1
125 NtGdiDeleteColorSpace 1
126 NtGdiDeleteColorTransform 2
127 NtGdiDeleteObjectApp 1
128 NtGdiDescribePixelFormat 4
129 NtGdiGetPerBandInfo 2
130 NtGdiDoBanding 4
131 NtGdiDoPalette 6
132 NtGdiDrawEscape 4
133 NtGdiEllipse 5
134 NtGdiEnableEudc 1
135 NtGdiEndDoc 1
136 NtGdiEndPage 1
137 NtGdiEndPath 1
138 NtGdiEnumFontChunk 5
139 NtGdiEnumFontClose 1
140 NtGdiEnumFontOpen 7
141 NtGdiEnumObjects 4
142 NtGdiEqualRgn 2
143 NtGdiEudcLoadUnloadLink 7
144 NtGdiExcludeClipRect 5
145 NtGdiExtCreatePen 11
146 NtGdiExtCreateRegion 3
147 NtGdiExtEscape 8
148 NtGdiExtFloodFill 5
149 NtGdiExtGetObjectW 3
150 NtGdiExtSelectClipRgn 3
151 NtGdiExtTextOutW 9
152 NtGdiFillPath 1
153 NtGdiFillRgn 3
154 NtGdiFlattenPath 1
155 NtGdiFlushUserBatch 0
156 NtGdiFlush 0
157 NtGdiForceUFIMapping 2
158 NtGdiFrameRgn 5
159 NtGdiFullscreenControl 5
160 NtGdiGetAndSetDCDword 4
161 NtGdiGetAppClipBox 2
162 NtGdiGetBitmapBits 3
163 NtGdiGetBitmapDimension 2
164 NtGdiGetBoundsRect 3
165 NtGdiGetCharABCWidthsW 6
166 NtGdiGetCharacterPlacementW 6
167 NtGdiGetCharSet 1
168 NtGdiGetCharWidthW 6
169 NtGdiGetCharWidthInfo 2
170 NtGdiGetColorAdjustment 2
171 NtGdiGetColorSpaceforBitmap 1
172 NtGdiGetDCDword 3
173 NtGdiGetDCforBitmap 1
174 NtGdiGetDCObject 2
175 NtGdiGetDCPoint 3
176 NtGdiGetDeviceCaps 2
177 NtGdiGetDeviceGammaRamp 2
178 NtGdiGetDeviceCapsAll 2
179 NtGdiGetDIBitsInternal 9
180 NtGdiGetETM 2
181 NtGdiGetEudcTimeStampEx 3
182 NtGdiGetFontData 5
183 NtGdiGetFontResourceInfoInternalW 7
184 NtGdiGetGlyphIndicesW 5
185 NtGdiGetGlyphIndicesWInternal 6
186 NtGdiGetGlyphOutline 8
187 NtGdiGetKerningPairs 3
188 NtGdiGetLinkedUFIs 3
189 NtGdiGetMiterLimit 2
190 NtGdiGetMonitorID 3
191 NtGdiGetNearestColor 2
192 NtGdiGetNearestPaletteIndex 2
193 NtGdiGetObjectBitmapHandle 2
194 NtGdiGetOutlineTextMetricsInternalW 4
195 NtGdiGetPath 4
196 NtGdiGetPixel 3
197 NtGdiGetRandomRgn 3
198 NtGdiGetRasterizerCaps 2
199 NtGdiGetRealizationInfo 3
200 NtGdiGetRegionData 3
201 NtGdiGetRgnBox 2
202 NtGdiGetServerMetaFileBits 7
203 NtGdiGetSpoolMessage 4
204 NtGdiGetStats 5
205 NtGdiGetStockObject 1
206 NtGdiGetStringBitmapW 5
207 NtGdiGetSystemPaletteUse 1
208 NtGdiGetTextCharsetInfo 3
209 NtGdiGetTextExtent 5
210 NtGdiGetTextExtentExW 8
211 NtGdiGetTextFaceW 4
212 NtGdiGetTextMetricsW 3
213 NtGdiGetTransform 3
214 NtGdiGetUFI 6
215 NtGdiGetEmbUFI 7
216 NtGdiGetUFIPathname 10
217 NtGdiGetEmbedFonts 0
218 NtGdiChangeGhostFont 2
219 NtGdiAddEmbFontToDC 2
220 NtGdiGetFontUnicodeRanges 2
221 NtGdiGetWidthTable 7
222 NtGdiGradientFill 6
223 NtGdiHfontCreate 5
224 NtGdiIcmBrushInfo 8
225 NtGdiInit 0
226 NtGdiInitSpool 0
227 NtGdiIntersectClipRect 5
228 NtGdiInvertRgn 2
229 NtGdiLineTo 3
230 NtGdiMakeFontDir 5
231 NtGdiMakeInfoDC 2
232 NtGdiMaskBlt 13
233 NtGdiModifyWorldTransform 3
234 NtGdiMonoBitmap 1
235 NtGdiMoveTo 4
236 NtGdiOffsetClipRgn 3
237 NtGdiOffsetRgn 3
238 NtGdiOpenDCW 7
239 NtGdiPatBlt 6
240 NtGdiPolyPatBlt 5
241 NtGdiPathToRegion 1
242 NtGdiPlgBlt 11
243 NtGdiPolyDraw 4
244 NtGdiPolyPolyDraw 5
245 NtGdiPolyTextOutW 4
246 NtGdiPtInRegion 3
247 NtGdiPtVisible 3
248 NtGdiQueryFonts 3
249 NtGdiQueryFontAssocInfo 1
250 NtGdiRectangle 5
251 NtGdiRectInRegion 2
252 NtGdiRectVisible 2
253 NtGdiRemoveFontResourceW 6
254 NtGdiRemoveFontMemResourceEx 1
255 NtGdiResetDC 5
256 NtGdiResizePalette 2
257 NtGdiRestoreDC 2
258 NtGdiRoundRect 7
259 NtGdiSaveDC 1
260 NtGdiScaleViewportExtEx 6
261 NtGdiScaleWindowExtEx 6
262 NtGdiSelectBitmap 2
263 NtGdiSelectBrush 2
264 NtGdiSelectClipPath 2
265 NtGdiSelectFont 2
266 NtGdiSelectPen 2
267 NtGdiSetBitmapAttributes 2
268 NtGdiSetBitmapBits 3
269 NtGdiSetBitmapDimension 4
270 NtGdiSetBoundsRect 3
271 NtGdiSetBrushAttributes 2
272 NtGdiSetBrushOrg 4
273 NtGdiSetColorAdjustment 2
274 NtGdiSetColorSpace 2
275 NtGdiSetDeviceGammaRamp 2
276 NtGdiSetDIBitsToDeviceInternal 16
277 NtGdiSetFontEnumeration 1
278 NtGdiSetFontXform 3
279 NtGdiSetIcmMode 3
280 NtGdiSetLinkedUFIs 3
281 NtGdiSetMagicColors 3
282 NtGdiSetMetaRgn 1
283 NtGdiSetMiterLimit 3
284 NtGdiGetDeviceWidth 1
285 NtGdiMirrorWindowOrg 1
286 NtGdiSetLayout 3
287 NtGdiSetPixel 4
288 NtGdiSetPixelFormat 2
289 NtGdiSetRectRgn 5
290 NtGdiSetSystemPaletteUse 2
291 NtGdiSetTextJustification 3
292 NtGdiSetupPublicCFONT 3
293 NtGdiSetVirtualResolution 5
294 NtGdiSetSizeDevice 3
295 NtGdiStartDoc 4
296 NtGdiStartPage 1
297 NtGdiStretchBlt 12
298 NtGdiStretchDIBitsInternal 16
299 NtGdiStrokeAndFillPath 1
300 NtGdiStrokePath 1
301 NtGdiSwapBuffers 1
302 NtGdiTransformPoints 5
303 NtGdiTransparentBlt 11
304 NtGdiUnloadPrinterDriver 2
305 NtGdiUnmapMemFont 1
306 NtGdiUnrealizeObject 1
307 NtGdiUpdateColors 1
308 NtGdiWidenPath 1
309 NtUserActivateKeyboardLayout 2
310 NtUserAlterWindowStyle 3
311 NtUserAssociateInputContext 3
312 NtUserAttachThreadInput 3
313 NtUserBeginPaint 2
314 NtUserBitBltSysBmp 8
315 NtUserBlockInput 1
316 NtUserBuildHimcList 4
317 NtUserBuildHwndList 7
318 NtUserBuildNameList 4
319 NtUserBuildPropList 4
320 NtUserCallHwnd 2
321 NtUserCallHwndLock 2
322 NtUserCallHwndOpt 2
323 NtUserCallHwndParam 3
324 NtUserCallHwndParamLock 3
325 NtUserCallMsgFilter 2
326 NtUserCallNextHookEx 4
327 NtUserCallNoParam 1
328 NtUserCallOneParam 2
329 NtUserCallTwoParam 3
330 NtUserChangeClipboardChain 2
331 NtUserChangeDisplaySettings 5
332 NtUserCheckImeHotKey 2
333 NtUserCheckMenuItem 3
334 NtUserChildWindowFromPointEx 4
335 NtUserClipCursor 1
336 NtUserCloseClipboard 0
337 NtUserCloseDesktop 1
338 NtUserCloseWindowStation 1
339 NtUserConsoleControl 3
340 NtUserConvertMemHandle 2
341 NtUserCopyAcceleratorTable 3
342 NtUserCountClipboardFormats 0
343 NtUserCreateAcceleratorTable 2
344 NtUserCreateCaret 4
345 NtUserCreateDesktop 5
346 NtUserCreateInputContext 1
347 NtUserCreateLocalMemHandle 4
348 NtUserCreateWindowEx 15
349 NtUserCreateWindowStation 7
350 NtUserDdeGetQualityOfService 3
351 NtUserDdeInitialize 5
352 NtUserDdeSetQualityOfService 3
353 NtUserDeferWindowPos 8
354 NtUserDefSetText 2
355 NtUserDeleteMenu 3
356 NtUserDestroyAcceleratorTable 1
357 NtUserDestroyCursor 2
358 NtUserDestroyInputContext 1
359 NtUserDestroyMenu 1
360 NtUserDestroyWindow 1
361 NtUserDisableThreadIme 1
362 NtUserDispatchMessage 1
363 NtUserDragDetect 3
364 NtUserDragObject 5
365 NtUserDrawAnimatedRects 4
366 NtUserDrawCaption 4
367 NtUserDrawCaptionTemp 7
368 NtUserDrawIconEx 11
369 NtUserDrawMenuBarTemp 5
370 NtUserEmptyClipboard 0
371 NtUserEnableMenuItem 3
372 NtUserEnableScrollBar 3
373 NtUserEndDeferWindowPosEx 2
374 NtUserEndMenu 0
375 NtUserEndPaint 2
376 NtUserEnumDisplayDevices 4
377 # NtUserEnumDisplayMonitors 4 Wrong number of param ?
378 NtUserEnumDisplayMonitors 5
379 NtUserEnumDisplaySettings 4
380 NtUserEvent 1
381 NtUserExcludeUpdateRgn 2
382 NtUserFillWindow 4
383 # NtUserFindExistingCursorIcon 3 Wrong number of param ?
384 NtUserFindExistingCursorIcon 4
385 NtUserFindWindowEx 5
386 NtUserFlashWindowEx 1
387 NtUserGetAltTabInfo 6
388 NtUserGetAncestor 2
389 NtUserGetAppImeLevel 1
390 NtUserGetAsyncKeyState 1
391 NtUserGetAtomName 2
392 NtUserGetCaretBlinkTime 0
393 NtUserGetCaretPos 1
394 # NtUserGetClassInfo 5 Wrong number of param ?
395 NtUserGetClassInfo 4
396 NtUserGetClassName 3
397 NtUserGetClipboardData 2
398 NtUserGetClipboardFormatName 3
399 NtUserGetClipboardOwner 0
400 NtUserGetClipboardSequenceNumber 0
401 NtUserGetClipboardViewer 0
402 NtUserGetClipCursor 1
403 NtUserGetComboBoxInfo 2
404 NtUserGetControlBrush 3
405 NtUserGetControlColor 4
406 NtUserGetCPD 3
407 NtUserGetCursorFrameInfo 4
408 NtUserGetCursorInfo 1
409 NtUserGetDC 1
410 NtUserGetDCEx 3
411 NtUserGetDoubleClickTime 0
412 NtUserGetForegroundWindow 0
413 NtUserGetGuiResources 2
414 NtUserGetGUIThreadInfo 2
415 NtUserGetIconInfo 6
416 NtUserGetIconSize 4
417 NtUserGetImeHotKey 4
418 NtUserGetImeInfoEx 2
419 NtUserGetInternalWindowPos 3
420 NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutList 2
421 NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutName 1
422 NtUserGetKeyboardState 1
423 NtUserGetKeyNameText 3
424 NtUserGetKeyState 1
425 NtUserGetListBoxInfo 1
426 NtUserGetMenuBarInfo 4
427 NtUserGetMenuIndex 2
428 NtUserGetMenuItemRect 4
429 NtUserGetMessage 4
430 NtUserGetMouseMovePointsEx 5
431 NtUserGetObjectInformation 5
432 NtUserGetOpenClipboardWindow 0
433 NtUserGetPriorityClipboardFormat 2
434 NtUserGetProcessWindowStation 0
435 NtUserGetRawInputBuffer 3
436 NtUserGetRawInputData 5
437 NtUserGetRawInputDeviceInfo 4
438 NtUserGetRawInputDeviceList 3
439 NtUserGetRegisteredRawInputDevices 3
440 NtUserGetScrollBarInfo 3
441 NtUserGetSystemMenu 2
442 NtUserGetThreadDesktop 2
443 NtUserGetThreadState 1
444 NtUserGetTitleBarInfo 2
445 NtUserGetUpdateRect 3
446 NtUserGetUpdateRgn 3
447 NtUserGetWindowDC 1
448 NtUserGetWindowPlacement 2
449 NtUserGetWOWClass 2
450 NtUserHardErrorControl 3
451 NtUserHideCaret 1
452 NtUserHiliteMenuItem 4
453 NtUserImpersonateDdeClientWindow 2
454 NtUserInitialize 3
455 NtUserInitializeClientPfnArrays 4
456 # NtUserInitTask 12 Wrong number of param ?
457 NtUserInitTask 11
458 NtUserInternalGetWindowText 3
459 NtUserInvalidateRect 3
460 NtUserInvalidateRgn 3
461 NtUserIsClipboardFormatAvailable 1
462 NtUserKillTimer 2
463 NtUserLoadKeyboardLayoutEx 7
464 NtUserLockWindowStation 1
465 NtUserLockWindowUpdate 1
466 NtUserLockWorkStation 0
467 NtUserMapVirtualKeyEx 4
468 NtUserMenuItemFromPoint 4
469 NtUserMessageCall 7
470 NtUserMinMaximize 3
471 NtUserMNDragLeave 0
472 NtUserMNDragOver 2
473 NtUserModifyUserStartupInfoFlags 2
474 NtUserMoveWindow 6
475 NtUserNotifyIMEStatus 3
476 NtUserNotifyProcessCreate 4
477 NtUserNotifyWinEvent 4
478 NtUserOpenClipboard 2
479 NtUserOpenDesktop 3
480 NtUserOpenInputDesktop 3
481 NtUserOpenWindowStation 2
482 NtUserPaintDesktop 1
483 NtUserPeekMessage 5
484 NtUserPostMessage 4
485 NtUserPostThreadMessage 4
486 NtUserPrintWindow 3
487 NtUserProcessConnect 3
488 NtUserQueryInformationThread 5
489 NtUserQueryInputContext 2
490 NtUserQuerySendMessage 1
491 NtUserQueryUserCounters 5
492 NtUserQueryWindow 2
493 NtUserRealChildWindowFromPoint 3
494 NtUserRealInternalGetMessage 6
495 NtUserRealWaitMessageEx 2
496 NtUserRedrawWindow 4
497 NtUserRegisterClassExWOW 7
498 NtUserRegisterUserApiHook 2
499 NtUserRegisterHotKey 4
500 NtUserRegisterRawInputDevices 3
501 NtUserRegisterTasklist 1
502 NtUserRegisterWindowMessage 1
503 NtUserRemoveMenu 3
504 NtUserRemoveProp 2
505 NtUserResolveDesktop 4
506 NtUserResolveDesktopForWOW 1
507 NtUserSBGetParms 4
508 NtUserScrollDC 7
509 NtUserScrollWindowEx 8
510 NtUserSelectPalette 3
511 NtUserSendInput 3
512 NtUserSetActiveWindow 1
513 NtUserSetAppImeLevel 2
514 NtUserSetCapture 1
515 NtUserSetClassLong 4
516 NtUserSetClassWord 3
517 NtUserSetClipboardData 3
518 NtUserSetClipboardViewer 1
519 NtUserSetConsoleReserveKeys 2
520 NtUserSetCursor 1
521 NtUserSetCursorContents 2
522 # NtUserSetCursorIconData 4 Wrong number of param ?
523 NtUserSetCursorIconData 6
524 NtUserSetDbgTag 2
525 NtUserSetFocus 1
526 NtUserSetImeHotKey 5
527 NtUserSetImeInfoEx 1
528 NtUserSetImeOwnerWindow 2
529 NtUserSetInformationProcess 4
530 NtUserSetInformationThread 4
531 NtUserSetInternalWindowPos 4
532 NtUserSetKeyboardState 1
533 NtUserSetLogonNotifyWindow 1
534 NtUserSetMenu 3
535 NtUserSetMenuContextHelpId 2
536 NtUserSetMenuDefaultItem 3
537 NtUserSetMenuFlagRtoL 1
538 NtUserSetObjectInformation 4
539 NtUserSetParent 2
540 NtUserSetProcessWindowStation 1
541 NtUserSetProp 3
542 NtUserSetRipFlags 2
543 NtUserSetScrollInfo 4
544 NtUserSetShellWindowEx 2
545 NtUserSetSysColors 4
546 NtUserSetSystemCursor 2
547 NtUserSetSystemMenu 2
548 NtUserSetSystemTimer 4
549 NtUserSetThreadDesktop 1
550 NtUserSetThreadLayoutHandles 2
551 NtUserSetThreadState 2
552 NtUserSetTimer 4
553 NtUserSetWindowFNID 2
554 NtUserSetWindowLong 4
555 NtUserSetWindowPlacement 2
556 NtUserSetWindowPos 7
557 NtUserSetWindowRgn 3
558 NtUserSetWindowsHookAW 3
559 NtUserSetWindowsHookEx 6
560 NtUserSetWindowStationUser 4
561 NtUserSetWindowWord 3
562 NtUserSetWinEventHook 8
563 NtUserShowCaret 1
564 NtUserShowScrollBar 3
565 NtUserShowWindow 2
566 NtUserShowWindowAsync 2
567 NtUserSoundSentry 0
568 NtUserSwitchDesktop 1
569 NtUserSystemParametersInfo 4
570 NtUserTestForInteractiveUser 1
571 NtUserThunkedMenuInfo 2
572 NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo 6
573 NtUserToUnicodeEx 7
574 NtUserTrackMouseEvent 1
575 NtUserTrackPopupMenuEx 6
576 NtUserCalcMenuBar 5
577 NtUserPaintMenuBar 6
578 NtUserTranslateAccelerator 3
579 NtUserTranslateMessage 2
580 NtUserUnhookWindowsHookEx 1
581 NtUserUnhookWinEvent 1
582 NtUserUnloadKeyboardLayout 1
583 NtUserUnlockWindowStation 1
584 # NtUserUnregisterClass 3 Wrong number of param ?
585 NtUserUnregisterClass 2
586 NtUserUnregisterUserApiHook 0
587 NtUserUnregisterHotKey 2
588 NtUserUpdateInputContext 3
589 NtUserUpdateInstance 3
590 NtUserUpdateLayeredWindow 9
591 NtUserGetLayeredWindowAttributes 4
592 NtUserSetLayeredWindowAttributes 4
593 NtUserUpdatePerUserSystemParameters 2
594 NtUserUserHandleGrantAccess 3
595 NtUserValidateHandleSecure 2
596 NtUserValidateRect 2
597 NtUserValidateTimerCallback 3
598 NtUserVkKeyScanEx 3
599 NtUserWaitForInputIdle 3
600 NtUserWaitForMsgAndEvent 1
601 NtUserWaitMessage 0
602 NtUserWin32PoolAllocationStats 6
603 NtUserWindowFromPoint 2
604 NtUserYieldTask 0
605 NtUserRemoteConnect 3
606 NtUserRemoteRedrawRectangle 4
607 NtUserRemoteRedrawScreen 0
608 NtUserRemoteStopScreenUpdates 0
609 NtUserCtxDisplayIOCtl 3
610 NtGdiEngAssociateSurface 3
611 NtGdiEngCreateBitmap 6
612 NtGdiEngCreateDeviceSurface 4
613 NtGdiEngCreateDeviceBitmap 4
614 NtGdiEngCreatePalette 6
615 NtGdiEngComputeGlyphSet 3
616 NtGdiEngCopyBits 6
617 NtGdiEngDeletePalette 1
618 NtGdiEngDeleteSurface 1
619 NtGdiEngEraseSurface 3
620 NtGdiEngUnlockSurface 1
621 NtGdiEngLockSurface 1
622 NtGdiEngBitBlt 11
623 NtGdiEngStretchBlt 11
624 NtGdiEngPlgBlt 11
625 NtGdiEngMarkBandingSurface 1
626 NtGdiEngStrokePath 8
627 NtGdiEngFillPath 7
628 NtGdiEngStrokeAndFillPath 10
629 NtGdiEngPaint 5
630 NtGdiEngLineTo 9
631 NtGdiEngAlphaBlend 7
632 NtGdiEngGradientFill 10
633 NtGdiEngTransparentBlt 8
634 NtGdiEngTextOut 10
635 NtGdiEngStretchBltROP 13
636 NtGdiXLATEOBJ_cGetPalette 4
637 NtGdiXLATEOBJ_iXlate 2
638 NtGdiXLATEOBJ_hGetColorTransform 1
639 NtGdiCLIPOBJ_bEnum 3
640 NtGdiCLIPOBJ_cEnumStart 5
641 NtGdiCLIPOBJ_ppoGetPath 1
642 NtGdiEngDeletePath 1
643 NtGdiEngCreateClip 0
644 NtGdiEngDeleteClip 1
645 NtGdiBRUSHOBJ_ulGetBrushColor 1
646 NtGdiBRUSHOBJ_pvAllocRbrush 2
647 NtGdiBRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush 1
648 NtGdiBRUSHOBJ_hGetColorTransform 1
649 NtGdiXFORMOBJ_bApplyXform 5
650 NtGdiXFORMOBJ_iGetXform 2
651 NtGdiFONTOBJ_vGetInfo 3
652 NtGdiFONTOBJ_pxoGetXform 1
653 NtGdiFONTOBJ_cGetGlyphs 5
654 NtGdiFONTOBJ_pifi 1
655 NtGdiFONTOBJ_pfdg 1
656 NtGdiFONTOBJ_pQueryGlyphAttrs 2
657 NtGdiFONTOBJ_pvTrueTypeFontFile 2
658 NtGdiFONTOBJ_cGetAllGlyphHandles 2
659 NtGdiSTROBJ_bEnum 3
660 NtGdiSTROBJ_bEnumPositionsOnly 3
661 NtGdiSTROBJ_bGetAdvanceWidths 4
662 NtGdiSTROBJ_vEnumStart 1
663 NtGdiSTROBJ_dwGetCodePage 1
664 NtGdiPATHOBJ_vGetBounds 2
665 NtGdiPATHOBJ_bEnum 2
666 NtGdiPATHOBJ_vEnumStart 1
667 NtGdiPATHOBJ_vEnumStartClipLines 4
668 NtGdiPATHOBJ_bEnumClipLines 3
669 NtGdiGetDhpdev 1
670 NtGdiEngCheckAbort 1
671 NtGdiHT_Get8BPPFormatPalette 4
672 NtGdiHT_Get8BPPMaskPalette 6
673 NtGdiUpdateTransform 1
674 NtGdiSetPUMPDOBJ 4
675 NtGdiBRUSHOBJ_DeleteRbrush 2
676 NtGdiUMPDEngFreeUserMem 1
677 NtGdiDrawStream 3
678 #
679 #
680 #ReactOS specify syscall
681 NtGdiSelectObject 2
682 NtGdiSetDIBits 7
683 NtGdiSetEnhMetaFileBits 2
684 NtGdiSetGraphicsMode 2
685 NtGdiSetICMProfile 2
686 NtGdiSetMapperFlags 2
687 NtGdiSetPolyFillMode 2
688 NtGdiSetStretchBltMode 2
689 NtGdiSetViewportExtEx 4
690 NtGdiSetViewportOrgEx 4
691 NtGdiSetWindowExtEx 4
692 NtGdiSetWindowOrgEx 4
693 NtGdiStretchDIBits 13
694 NtGdiUpdateICMRegKey 4
695 NtUserBuildMenuItemList 4
696 NtUserCreateCursorIconHandle 2
697 NtUserEnumClipboardFormats 1
698 NtUserGetActiveWindow 0
699 NtUserGetCapture 0
700 NtUserGetClassLong 3
701 NtUserGetClientOrigin 2
702 NtUserGetClientRect 2
703 NtUserGetMenuDefaultItem 3
704 NtUserGetCursorIconSize 3
705 NtUserGetLastInputInfo 1
706 NtUserGetMinMaxInfo 3
707 NtUserGetMonitorInfo 2
708 NtUserGetProp 2
709 NtUserGetScrollInfo 3
710 NtUserGetSystemMetrics 1
711 NtUserGetWindowLong 3
712 NtUserGetWindowRect 2
713 NtUserInsertMenuItem 4
714 NtUserKillSystemTimer 2
715 NtUserMenuInfo 3
716 NtUserMenuItemInfo 5
717 NtUserMonitorFromPoint 3
718 NtUserMonitorFromRect 2
719 NtUserMonitorFromWindow 2
720 NtUserRegisterClassEx 6
721 NtUserRegisterClipboardFormat 1
722 NtUserSendMessage 5
723 NtUserSendMessageCallback 6
724 NtUserSendMessageTimeout 8
725 NtUserSendNotifyMessage 4
726 NtUserSetScrollBarInfo 3
727 NtUserGetDesktopWindow 0
728 NtGdiAddFontResource 2
729 NtGdiCloseEnhMetaFile 1
730 NtGdiColorMatchToTarget 3
731 NtGdiCopyEnhMetaFile 2
732 NtGdiCreateDIBitmap 6
733 NtGdiCreateEnhMetaFile 4
734 NtGdiCreateScalableFontResource 4
735 NtGdiDeleteEnhMetaFile 1
736 NtGdiEnumEnhMetaFile 5
737 NtGdiEnumFonts 4
738 NtGdiEnumICMProfiles 3
739 NtGdiExtTextOut 8
740 NtGdiGdiComment 3
741 NtGdiGetAspectRatioFilterEx 2
742 NtGdiGetColorSpace 1
743 NtGdiGetCurrentPositionEx 2
744 NtGdiGetEnhMetaFile 1
745 NtGdiGetEnhMetaFileBits 3
746 NtGdiGetEnhMetaFileDescription 3
747 NtGdiGetEnhMetaFileHeader 3
748 NtGdiGetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries 3
749 NtGdiGetEnhMetaFilePixelFormat 3
750 NtGdiGetFontFamilyInfo 4
751 NtGdiGetFontLanguageInfo 1
752 NtGdiGetGraphicsMode 1
753 NtGdiGetICMProfile 3
754 NtGdiGetLogColorSpace 3
755 NtGdiGetMapMode 1
756 NtGdiGetPixelFormat 1
757 NtGdiGetPolyFillMode 1
758 NtGdiGetStretchBltMode 1
759 NtGdiGetTextExtentPoint32 4
760 NtGdiMoveToEx 4
761 NtGdiOffsetViewportOrgEx 4
762 NtGdiOffsetWindowOrgEx 4
763 NtGdiPlayEnhMetaFile 3
764 NtGdiPlayEnhMetaFileRecord 4
765 NtGdiPolyTextOut 3
766 NtGdiRealizePalette 1
767 NtGdiRemoveFontResource 1
768 #
769 # ReactOS only system calls
770 NtUserAcquireOrReleaseInputOwnership 1
771 NtUserGetWindowThreadProcessId 2
772 NtUserGetQueueStatus 1
773 NtUserGetParent 1
774 NtUserGetWindow 2
775 NtUserGetLastActivePopup 1
776 NtUserGetShellWindow 0
777 NtUserDereferenceWndProcHandle 2
778 NtUserManualGuiCheck 1