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[reactos.git] / rosapps / sysutils / regexpl / RegistryKey.h
1 /* $Id$ */
3 // RegistryKey.h: interface for the CRegistryKey class.
4 //
5 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 #if !defined(REGISTRYKEY_H__FEF419ED_6EB6_11D3_907D_204C4F4F5020__INCLUDED_)
8 #define REGISTRYKEY_H__FEF419ED_6EB6_11D3_907D_204C4F4F5020__INCLUDED_
10 class CRegistryKey
11 {
12 public:
13 // Constructor. Call InitXXX methods to make real construct.
14 CRegistryKey();
16 // Call this key to init root key.
17 //
18 // Parameters:
19 // pszMachineName - pointer to buffer containing machine name. NULL means local machine.
20 //
21 // Return value:
22 // S_OK - All ok.
23 // E_XXX - Error.
24 HRESULT InitRoot(const TCHAR *pszMachineName = NULL);
26 // Call this method to init normal key.
27 //
28 // Parameters:
29 // hKey - handle to opened key.
30 // pszPath - optional path string. NULL if pszKeyName is the needed name.
31 // pszKeyName - pointer to buffer conatining name of key.
32 // CurrentAccess - Access of hKey.
33 //
34 // Remarks:
35 // Constructs key object from handle.
36 // The constructed object hold the handle and closes it on destruction. Do not close handle outside.
37 // If pszPath is not NULL, it is concatenated with pszKeyName.
38 //
39 // Return value:
40 // S_OK - All ok.
41 // E_XXX - Error.
42 HRESULT Init(HKEY hKey, const TCHAR *pszPath, const TCHAR *pszKeyName, REGSAM CurrentAccess);
44 // Call this method to uninitialize the object.
45 //
46 // Return value:
47 // S_OK - All ok.
48 // E_XXX - Error.
49 HRESULT Uninit();
51 // Destructor
52 virtual ~CRegistryKey();
54 // Call ths function to check if handle to key is handle to hive root.
55 //
56 // Parameters:
57 // hKey - handle to check.
58 //
59 // Return value:
60 // TRUE - hKey is handle to hive root.
61 // FALSE - hKey is not handle to hive root.
62 static BOOL IsHive(HKEY hKey);
64 // Call this method to get name of key represented by this object.
65 //
66 // Return value:
67 // Pointer to buffer containing key name. Return value is valid until next call to this object method.
68 const TCHAR * GetKeyName();
70 BOOL IsRoot();
72 // Call this method to open existing subkey of this key.
73 //
74 // Parameters:
75 // samDesired - deisred access.
76 // pszSubkeyName - pointer to bufer containing name of key to open.
77 // rhKey - reference to variable that receives handle of opened key. If method fails, variable value is unchanged.
78 //
79 // Return value:
80 // If the method succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
81 // If the method fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in winerror.h.
82 LONG OpenSubkey(REGSAM samDesired, const TCHAR *pszSubkeyName, HKEY &rhKey);
84 // Call this method to open existing subkey of this key.
85 //
86 // Parameters:
87 // samDesired - deisred access.
88 // pszSubkeyName - pointer to bufer containing name of key to open.
89 // rKey - reference to CRegistryKey object. If method succeeds, rKey is initialized with newly opened key.
90 //
91 // Return value:
92 // If the method succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
93 // If the method fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in winerror.h.
94 LONG OpenSubkey(REGSAM samDesired, const TCHAR *pszSubkeyName, CRegistryKey &rKey);
96 // Call this method to get the length in TCHARs of longest subkey name, including terminating null.
97 //
98 // Parameters:
99 // rdwMaxSubkeyNameLength, reference to variable that receives size in TCHARs of longest subkey name.
100 //
101 // Return value.
102 // If the method succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
103 // If the method fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in winerror.h.
104 LONG GetSubkeyNameMaxLength(DWORD &rdwMaxSubkeyNameLength);
106 // Call this method to init subkey enumeration. I.e. before first call to GetSubkeyName()
107 //
108 // Parameters:
109 // pchSubkeyNameBuffer - pointer to buffer receiving subkey name.
110 // dwBufferSize - size, in TCHARs of buffer pointed by pchSubkeyNameBuffer.
111 //
112 void InitSubkeyEnumeration(TCHAR *pchSubkeyNameBuffer, DWORD dwBufferSize);
114 // Call this method to get next subkey name. Name is stored in buffer specified in call to InitSubKeyEnumeration.
115 //
116 // Parameters:
117 // pdwActualSize - optional pointer to variable receiving actual size, in TCHARs, of key name. The count returned does not include the terminating null.
118 //
119 // Return value:
120 // If the method succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
121 // If the method fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in winerror.h.
122 // If no more items available, return error is ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS.
123 LONG GetNextSubkeyName(DWORD *pdwActualSize = NULL);
125 // Call this method to get count of subkeys.
126 //
127 // Parameters:
128 // rdwSubkeyCount - reference to variable that receives subkey count.
129 //
130 // Return value:
131 // If the method succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
132 // If the method fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in winerror.h.
133 LONG GetSubkeyCount(DWORD &rdwSubkeyCount);
135 // Call this method to get the length in TCHARs of longest value name, including terminating null.
136 //
137 // Parameters:
138 // rdwMaxValueNameBufferSize receives the length, in TCHARs, of the key's longest value name.
139 //
140 // Return value:
141 // If the method succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
142 // If the method fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in winerror.h.
143 LONG GetMaxValueNameLength(DWORD& rdwMaxValueNameBufferSize);
145 // Call this method to get the size of larges value data.
146 //
147 // Parameters:
148 // rdwMaxValueDataBufferSize receives the length, in bytes, of the longest data component among the key's values.
149 //
150 // Return value:
151 // If the method succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
152 // If the method fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in winerror.h.
153 LONG GetMaxValueDataSize(DWORD& rdwMaxValueDataBufferSize);
155 // Call this method to init subkey enumeration. I.e. before first call to GetSubkeyName()
156 //
157 // Parameters:
158 // pszValueNameBuffer - pointer to buffer receiving value name. If NULL, value name in not received upon iteration.
159 // dwValueNameBufferSize - size, in TCHARs of buffer pointed by pszValueNameBuffer. If pszValueNameBuffer is NULL, parameter is ignored.
160 // pbValueDataBuffer - pointer to buffer receiving value name. If NULL, value data is not received upon iteration.
161 // dwValueDataBufferSize - size, in bytes of buffer pointed by pbValueDataBuffer. If pbValueDataBuffer is NULL, parameter is ignored.
162 // pdwType - pointer to variable receiving value type. If NULL, value type is not received upon iteration.
163 void InitValueEnumeration(TCHAR *pszValueNameBuffer,
164 DWORD dwValueNameBufferSize,
165 BYTE *pbValueDataBuffer,
166 DWORD dwValueDataBufferSize,
167 DWORD *pdwType);
169 // Call this method to get next value name/data/type. Name/data/type is/are stored in buffer(s) specified in call to InitValueEnumeration.
170 //
171 // Parameters:
172 // pdwNameActualSize - optional pointer to variable receiving actual size, in TCHARs, of value name. The count returned includes the terminating null.
173 // pdwActualSize - optional pointer to variable receiving actual size, in bytes, of key name. The count returned does not include the terminating null.
174 //
175 // Return value:
176 // If the method succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
177 // If the method fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in winerror.h.
178 // If no more items available, return error is ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS.
179 LONG GetNextValue(DWORD *pdwNameActualSize = NULL, DWORD *pdwDataActualSize = NULL);
181 // Call this method to get count of values.
182 //
183 // Parameters:
184 // rdwValueCount - reference to variable that receives value count.
185 //
186 // Return value:
187 // If the method succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
188 // If the method fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in winerror.h.
189 LONG GetValueCount(DWORD& rdwValueCount);
191 // Call this method to get data and/or type of default value.
192 //
193 // Parameters:
194 // pdwType - optional pointer to variable receiving default value type. NULL if not requred.
195 // pbValueDataBuffer - optional pointer to buffer receiving default value data. NULL if not requred.
196 // dwValueDataBufferSize - size of buffer pointer by pbValueDataBuffer. Ignored if pbValueDataBuffer is NULL.
197 // pdwValueDataActualSize - optional pointer to variable receiving size, in bytes, of data stored into buffer. If pbValueDataBuffer is NULL, returned value is size of default value data, in bytes.
198 //
199 // Return value:
200 // If the method succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
201 // If the method fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in winerror.h.
202 LONG GetDefaultValue(DWORD *pdwType, BYTE *pbValueDataBuffer, DWORD dwValueDataBufferSize, DWORD *pdwValueDataActualSize);
204 // Call this function to get text representation of value type.
205 //
206 // Parameters:
207 // dwType - type to get text representation from.
208 //
209 // Return value:
210 // text representation od value type.
211 static const TCHAR * GetValueTypeName(DWORD dwType);
213 DWORD GetValue(TCHAR *pchValueName, DWORD *pdwType, LPBYTE lpValueDataBuffer, DWORD *pdwValueDataSize);
215 // Call this method to create subkey of this key.
216 //
217 // Parameters:
218 // samDesired - deisred access.
219 // pszKeyName - pointer to bufer containing name of key to create.
220 // rhKey - reference to variable that receives handle of opened key. If method fails, variable value is unchanged.
221 // pblnOpened - optional pointer to variable that receives create/open status. If subkey is opened value is TRUE. If key is created value is FALSE.
222 // blnVolatile - opitional parameter specifining if created key is volatile.
223 //
224 // Return value:
225 // If the method succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
226 // If the method fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in winerror.h.
227 LONG CreateSubkey(REGSAM samDesired, const TCHAR *pszKeyName, HKEY &rhKey, BOOL *pblnOpened = NULL, BOOL blnVolatile = FALSE);
229 LONG GetLastWriteTime(SYSTEMTIME& st);
230 const TCHAR * GetLastWriteTime();
232 LONG DeleteValue(const TCHAR *pszValueName);
233 LONG DeleteSubkey(const TCHAR *pszPatternSubkeyName);
235 LONG SetValue(LPCTSTR pszValueName, DWORD dwType, BYTE *lpData, DWORD dwDataSize);
236 TCHAR * GetSubKeyNameByIndex(DWORD dwIndex);
237 LONG GetSecurityDescriptor(SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, LPDWORD lpcbSecurityDescriptor);
238 LONG GetSecurityDescriptorLength(DWORD *pdwSecurityDescriptor);
239 BOOL IsPredefined();
240 operator HKEY(){return m_hKey;};
241 private:
242 DWORD m_dwCurrentSubKeyIndex;
243 TCHAR *m_pchSubkeyNameBuffer;
244 DWORD m_dwSubkeyNameBufferSize;
246 DWORD m_dwCurrentValueIndex;
247 TCHAR *m_pszValueNameBuffer;
248 DWORD m_dwValueNameBufferSize;
249 BYTE *m_pbValueDataBuffer;
250 DWORD m_dwValueDataBufferSize;
251 DWORD *m_pdwType;
253 HKEY m_hKey;
254 TCHAR *m_pszKeyName;
255 TCHAR *m_pszMachineName;
256 REGSAM m_CurrentAccess;
257 };
259 #endif // !defined(REGISTRYKEY_H__FEF419ED_6EB6_11D3_907D_204C4F4F5020__INCLUDED_)